Many people reading these lines are involved in some contact sport. For example, boxing, karate, judo, aikido are pretty popular nowadays, many of which have a long history and tradition.
They are part of the so-called martial arts, sports and artistic disciplines featuring fighting and a deep ethics.
There are many different types of them, grown out of different cultures and perspectives on life and energy . Many arts are practised solely with the body.
Among this incredible diversity, we will now look at some of the best-known types of martial arts which you may see in UK betting sites not on GamStop lines. These styles are well-known in MMA. Knowing their details, you can forecast better fights you watch.

One of the best known martial arts, karate, originated in Japan (specifically in present-day Okinawa) and is characterised by using punches, kicks, and blocks firmly and forcefully to defeat the opponent with just a few blows.
This martial art integrates values such as respect and courtesy. It is essential to show this through various types of salutes. It also seeks to improve body alignment, body hardening, and connection with the body.
This type of traditional martial art of Japanese origin is characterised by the fact that the primary combat mechanism is grappling . That way, the opponent’s strength and weight are absorbed to defeat him.
This discipline, although spectacular, is more focused on defence via using the strength for destabilising and knocking down. However, it still requires full-body training and is a very technical sport, incorporating spanners, submissions and chokes.
An ancient Chinese martial art, kung-fu, is a discipline that is generally a direct contact to maintain inner balance in training and self-defence. It originated with the Shaolin monks, who created it to defend themselves.
Kung-fu is based on a Buddhist and Taoist philosophical foundation. It aims to teach the value of effort and other matters such as humility, confidence, will, justice, perseverance, courage and honesty. Kung-fu has many variants, the best known of which are Shaolin or those linked to different animals.
Boxing is one of the best-known sports disciplines. It is a martial art in which only the fists are used in combat, and great force is applied to each blow. Although the best-known version in English, there are several variants spread across different cultures, one of the oldest of which comes from Ethiopia.
It is practised inside a ring. Despite its reputation for violence, it helps to promote values such as discipline, endurance (not only physical but also in terms of adversity) and respect for the opponent. It also helps to channel emotions.
Japanese art (though some of its origins are Indian) comes from the ancient Buddhist monks. It is characterised by a soft and non-aggressive fighting style that focuses on controlling and deflecting the opponent’s attacks and taking advantage of his attack to immobilise the opponent.
It is usually centred on the use of dislocations, dodges, projections, takedowns and some strikes. Although it is generally practised with bare hands, there are variants in which different weapons are used.
Capoeira is a martial art from Brazil, specifically from the formerly enslaved Africans. They developed this self-defence discipline as resistance to the harsh oppression and situation by combining combat techniques with dance.
It was a way of preserving their culture. Also, a disguised way (the fact that it resembles a dance would make it less suspicious) of practising a combat style among the enslaved population. This martial art style is fast and highly technical and requires a great deal of skill and agility. The movements employ both arms (fists are not often used) and legs and include both attack and defence. It also encourages flexibility and attention to the opponent’s movements from angles rarely seen in other disciplines.
Muay Thai
That art is of Thai origin and has a particular danger. It employs techniques with lethal potential. This discipline seeks a quick defeat with solid and powerful blows. In this discipline, all limbs and most of the body are allowed to punch.
It is considered an extreme form of fighting and is illegal in some countries.
Krav Maga
This martial arts discipline has only become famous and well known relatively recently. Still, it is one of the most potentially lethal martial arts. It is a fighting and defence method used by the Israeli Defence and Security forces, which focuses on unarmed indoor combat. Krav Maga specialises in providing combat tools in extreme situations, like facing several opponents simultaneously or carrying weapons.
It is oriented towards a proportional use of force concerning the attack we suffer. It also favours attention to the environment and preparation for possible attacks.

Another fantastic but relatively recent Japanese martial art (born less than a century ago) has grown out of different traditional disciplines. It focuses on hand-to-hand self-defence in fast-paced combat situations. Also, it prefers defeating the opponent without harming him or leaving him in a humiliating condition that prevents him from attacking. It also allows defence in situations of numerical inferiority or against opponents with more significant physical strength.
Dislocations, projections and throws are the most common actions used in this martial art.
The martial art has Korean origin. Kicks and strikes with feet and legs are generally used. It is a martial art of direct contact in which strikes are made at a greater distance precisely because of the priority use of the legs. Defensively, dodging is prioritised, although blocking with the upper limbs is also incorporated.
If you are interested in learning more, it would be useful looking for some accounts which specialises on sports.